Making Dreams Come True – A Heartwarming Return to Cyprus for Our Client
POSTED: 17/06/2024
Heritage Healthcare (Trafford & Cheshire) is thrilled to help a long-term client return to her beloved holiday home in Cyprus after a four-year interval.
Heritage Healthcare (Trafford & Cheshire) go above and beyond for their client to ensure they have a full and independent life, so much so that they are enabling on of their clients to go on holiday.

Co-owners Liz and Joely.
“One of our clients has owned a holiday home for many years in Cyprus, but due to declining health she has needed to have care for about 4 years and it has not been possible for her to return to her villa since then. Sadly, she does not have immediate family who can assist with this and it would be unsafe for her to go unaccompanied. She was not sure if she would ever be able to return. However, this has now been made possible with her dedicated team of regular carers from Heritage Healthcare Trafford and Cheshire, with whom she has built fantastic, trusting relationships. With much careful planning and risk assessments, our client will now be going back to her Cyprus villa this weekend, with carers who fully understand her needs and limitations. Over the years, the carers have become her lifeline for all her daily living needs; to include shopping, trips out, attending Church, getting to appointments, enjoying dinner out, theatre trips. We are so excited for our client and wish her the best holiday”
If you or your loved ones need a little help from Heritage Healthcare, then pick up the phone or pop in to see us.